Discover which states are at the highest risk for frozen pipes, and learn handy tips to help keep pipes from freezing so you can avoid costly burst pipes.
Proper winterization can save you from expensive repairs and ensure your property remains in good condition during the colder months. Learn how to properly winterize your vacation home to protect against issues like frozen pipes, water damage, and theft, which are common problems faced by homeowners during winter.
Learn how to properly winterize your pressure switch and tank to avoid issues and how to prevent frozen pressure tanks and pressure switches, along with tips to safely thaw your switch or tank in the event it freezes over.
We discuss some simple, handy tips to prevent your pig waterer from freezing. These strategies will ensure a reliable hydration source for your pigs throughout the harsh winter season.
Maintaining a reliable supply of well water is crucial during the winter months, as freezing temperatures can pose a significant threat to the integrity of your water system. Below, we’ll equip you with the knowledge and strategies you need to...
We look at the dangers of frozen pipes with an aim to bring awareness and understanding about this common predicament, and helpful tips to prevent your pipes from freezing during the cold winter months.
We've had a lot of people asking: Does a Freeze Miser work on pressure switches on water wells? The answer is "yes!" and in this video tutorial, we show you how.
While the Freeze Miser is great for protecting your outdoor water lines to prevent pipes from freezing and bursting, it’s also great for helping ensure your livestock animals have access to water throughout the winter—including your chickens!
Fall maintenance for your home and yard is crucial to ensure that your property is well-prepared for the winter months. By taking the time to perform fall maintenance tasks, you can prevent potential issues and costly repairs down the line....
A broken water pipe is a homeowner's worst nightmare, causing not only water damage but also a significant financial burden. But how much does it really cost to repair a broken water pipe? Read on to find out, and learn ways to prevent broken water pipes.
In the harsh winter months, an often overlooked and potentially disastrous issue for homeowners is frozen pipes. While it may seem like a minor inconvenience at first glance, the chilling consequences of frozen pipes can have a significant impact on...
When it comes to ensuring your livestock is properly hydrated throughout the winter, there are a few key factors to keep in mind. Two of these factors include identifying where will your livestock be drinking water, and making sure that your watering equipment is fully functional before and throughout the colder months.
During the colder months, one common concern is the risk of frozen pipes, which can lead to significant damage if not addressed promptly. But what about PVC pipes? Do PVC pipes freeze? Can your PVC pipes burst? Learn the answers to these questions.
Every winter, the threat of frozen pipes looms over every homeowner. Does keeping cabinets open during freezing weather help prevent the chances of frozen and burst pipes? Find out here!
Frozen pipes are a common issue during the colder months, and they can wreak havoc on your property if not addressed properly. Learn what steps to take if you suspect your pipes have frozen to avoid potential catastrophe.
Learn what temperatures pipes freeze at, signs to watch for, what to do if you have a frozen pipe, and ways to prevent your pipes from freezing during the cold winter months.
With winter finally here, the temperatures across the U.S. are dropping... and it looks like it's going to be a long, cold winter. It's not too late to Get our Freeze Protection Guide today to ensure you've taken the necessary steps to properly prepare and winterize your home for the harsh months ahead.
As winter draws near, it's important to start preparing to keep your livestock hydrated. If you've had to break ice and deal with frozen water for your livestock in the past, you're already aware that this can be a difficult, time-consuming, and/or expensive task. Fortunately, there's a better way.
Preventing your garden hose from freezing during the winter can be a time-consuming task. Instead of unhooking, draining, and storing your hose indoors after each use, learn about the best ways to protect your garden hose through the cold winter months!
When the weather drops to freezing temperatures during the winter, there’s a chance your pipes may freeze if not properly protected and winterized. Learn the telltale signs to look for that indicate your pipes may be frozen.